Our Creator Contest series is back; bigger and better than ever! Season 1 brought so much great talent and community growth, and Season 2 is set to bring all of that and more. 

New creators, longer contests, a larger audience – let’s go. 

The format for the Season 2 contests looks a bit different, with the reformulation of prize distribution to a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place format based on vote standings. You guys gave us feedback, and we listened. With this new format, more creators receive funding and support for their projects, and we can better ensure fresh faces for every contest. Seems like a win-win for the community!

In this new format, the 1st place creator will receive 80% of the prize allotment, 2nd place will receive 15%, and 3rd place will receive 5%. Being able to change the careers of creators each week is the heart of this Creator Contest series, and this way the Apollo Community gets to do more of that. 

Another notable change this season is that each contest will be two weeks long as opposed to one. This change allows more time for contestants to engage with voters, share their story and their craft, and create relationships that will go far beyond their contest round. A great way to do that is in our Discord Channel. Read more about that here. Our Season 2 schedule is available here

The first contest of Season 2 is already underway. Head over to the Contest tab (link) to have a look at our creators, and cast your vote if you haven’t already! 

Other ways the Apollo Army can support this contest:

📲Share with your communities who you’re pulling for and why…

👥Consider hosting a LIVE, story, or interview where you talk with one or multiple contestants

🗳Invite new voters to participate