As of this article’s posting (July 19, 2022), Apollo is in the middle of its 11th contest. That’s right, ELEVEN CONTESTS are now under our belts!

Did you realize that the Apollo token has distributed over 100K so far?
($110,079.96 to be exact!)

Take a look back at the first SIX winners in this roundup video the Apollo team put out this week. Who will be next?

The winnings just this month have averaged about $11K and the largest payout to date went to Omar Nasr who won an incredible 325 million tokens… worth more than $17K at the time. You’d probably agree that that can have a lot of impact on a creative project.

If you haven’t seen the advancements in the creator contest voting portal, it’s worth a look. The Apollo tech team has made some great additions to the user experience such as:

For creators looking to get started and jump on board, when they visit the apply page they can now easily see:

$100K distributed in less than ten weeks is nothing to scoff at… and the platform keeps getting better and better. But the best part is that we’re only getting started.